Hula Daddy Kona Coffee
Hula Daddy Kona Coffee
With a prime location just after you turn from Palani Road onto the Mamalahoa Highway heading toward Holualoa, Hula Daddy preys on tourists with high prices and substandard coffee. We experienced a very sour fruit flavor with the medium roast and never got a satisfactory answer as to why. We were told the trees below the tasting room were Guatemalan Coffee trees, that they have three different processes for processing their coffees, and that the coffee we tasted was grown elsewhere and we were probably tasting minerals from that soil. None of these answers quite explained the sour flavor of their coffee.
At $55 per pound for the medium roast we recommend you skip this stop and head further down the road to one of the other farms reviewed on this blog.
If for any reason you want to visit here, maybe you want to test how much to trust our judgment or something, here is the contact information:
74-4944 Mamalahoa Highway
Holualoa, Hawaii 96725
(808) 327-9744